Build Blogs with case studies from list building

Some people lose money in blogging. Yes people just create blogs and keep things active for few days and then let it off, may be due to some pretty reasons, so this will not be fetching them income as there will be no visitors or clicks for their blog and they end up paying money for the blog. So, when they do not have any income from the blog and they keep paying they face loss in blogging.

How to create benefitting blogs?

Write an introduction stating the context and then move on to the content: Straight away starting to write about the topic would be too rash a beginning and too bookish too. So, make sure the introductory part of it is crisp and even giving the example of a real-life company/case.

Video snippets are easy and require video xml and just need to be added. Once you set the thing for good Google search results it doesn’t mean you get more clicks. But once you post the perfect picture it will surely increase the results. So use real pictures with high contrast colons and target the public. Then improve your site speed. This will satisfy the visitors. This is also a factor which influences the ranking.

Other social media where people can access pictures is instagram. Here you can hash tag and it will allow public to access. Using best features in the social media one can grab customers’ attention and this helps in increasing the business. Post good pictures, and latest updates of your business also fetches good results for your business. Learn more from .

The blog must be accessible in mobiles also. If suppose; your blog is not able to be accessed in mobile, then, the user may feel like not visiting it, so, it must be accessed with mobiles and desktops too. So see that the blog is smart phone SEO. Try to target the public across the world. Share the content on social media.